Wood pulp proofing baskets

You've asked me a lot about these baskets, and what can I say.. I really love them👌🏻

📌First of all they are breathable, the shaped dough feels just right during long cold retard in wood pulp. There is no condensate appearing on the dough's surface.

📌The best blisters and the most beautiful colour of crust I get after proofing the dough overnight in these baskets.

📌Bread dough does't stick to them, you don't need to use extra flour, or some towels, or medical caps for them. Though when the hydration of your dough is too high, you can sprinkle the basket just with a tiny amount of rice flour, just in case😉

The only minus is that it's difficult to find them and they are quite pricy. I got one oval basket from Germany, the size is perfect and it's quite wide, so it fits perfectly the dough of 400 g of flour.

In the US I ordered oval Flourside baskets, but for me they are not wide enough: the L size is too long, the S size is good but only for the dough of 300-350 g of flour, not more. I use them mainly for sourdough bread. 

📌The dough made with fruit yeast water usually needs more space in the basket, it's more fluffy and tender, so for such dough I use a wider German wood pulp basket or a usual rotang proofing baskets.

📌It's also easy to handle these baskets, you don't need to clean them, I just dry them properly in the oven, when it's not too hot, but still warm after baking.✨

I hope that you will also try these baskets and share your experience with me😉