Dark rye bread. Borodinskiy

2 hours of slow cooking at low temperatures- preparing a special sweet mixture with dark rye fermented malt
12 hours- starter preparing
4 hours- preferment proofing
1,5 h - dough proofing
1 h- warm retard
45 min - baking🔥
It's a long process, but the taste is phenomenal😎

I prefer it with more water, baking only in the bread pan, not on a stone. The top of rye bread with such hydration is not so round and tall, but the crumb is more up to my taste.

💡Is it possible to bake it with a wheat starter - no😏 Only rye starter can help to bake this bread, a usual wheat starter will not be able to develop the right acidity to deal with rye flour. While working with 100 % rye dough (or 60% of rye flour in the dough and more) we deal with carbohydrates. In order to make the rye bread fluffy and not sticky, we need to create a high level of acidity in the starter and in the dough. So the only helper here is a rye starter.⠀

💡Is it possible to make it without dark rye fermented malt - it's a big question that all europeans try to solve in the US🤪 There is no fermented dark rye malt here😔 I can say that it's possible to make a similar taste with a help of barley malt extract + dark molasses, at least the taste will be very similar, though the colour will be not so intense. Because when you want to get your favourite bread for dinner - nothing is impossible🙌🏻😉