Russian flour in Austin. Country bread

Classic country bread, 68% hydration💦 

Yes, I was also very much surprised by the hydration, but I decided to try a new flour, that's why I started with a less amount of water. 

This flour is not as strong as American bread flour, its protein content is as usual 10,3 g. It's a Russian flour 'Belonezhnaya' (Белонежная). It could have even taken more water, which I'll try next time. 

I used only this flour, no whole wheat addings, and this flour was really white and tender as its name says😉👌 It's sooo elastic and pleasant to work with. 

This time I escaped an autolyse, I was not sure about this flour's strength, mixed it during 10 min with a stand mixer. I was planning to shape it at 60% rise in a spy glass, not to let the dough get over fermented during a cold overnight retard. But again, I forgot about my dough🙈 And came bake home when its rise was 100%😂 But the dough felt good, it was not ruining under my hands. So I shaped it and sent immediately to the fridge at 2°C (35°F).

And here is the result, a beautiful airy crumb, it's not very sour, a tasty and nice looking bread. It's really a great result for Russian flour, and also because of not too much water in it.

It's also so great, that I forgot about the dough and let it rise till 100%, I definitely wouldn't have done that on purpose. That's why it's so good sometimes to do mistakes, experiment, to find your own perfect crumb and taste😉👌 

So, all my Russian friends - this flour is highly recommended to you👌