What if your starter became more yeasty?

Bacon and caramelized onion bread 🌾  A story about how my sourdough unexpectedly turned into a totally yeast one🙈 

This bread is a good example that all our starters are different, even from day to day. It's a living creature, mine is still active and bubbly, but after taking out the dough from a cold overnight retard I noticed, that it grew in the basket, and it was not supposed to, though the temperature was low there. 

And during the baking, when I opened the lid, I saw a totally the same bread as I make with liquid fruit yeast😉 

By the way, this recipe originally is supposed to be made with liquid yeast, but I decided to adapt it to my sourdough starter, to share it with all of you😂 But the bread insistently doesn't want to be sour💪 

This result is a sign that my starter during these hot wet days became more yeasty, lactic acid bacteria became not so active, so the starter changed its microbiome. Another reason is that I fed it very often because of baking a lot. As a result I got not a typical sourdough🥖

So what I did: 
🔹I fed my starter 1:1:1 (30 g starter: 30 g water :30 g flour) and left it at a warm room temperature for 10 h. It really helped to develop more lactic acid bacteria again in my starter.
🔹then I started feeding my starter at a higher ratio, now it's 1: 9: 9 - 1:10:10 twice a day. In such a way my starter will grow slowly during a day.
🔹I found a little bit cooler spot for its maintenance
🔹made the % of rye flour in the mixture for feedings with bread wheat flour lower from 10% to 5%
🔹it's also possible to use colder water for feedings, as a variant, to slow down the speed of sourdough starter growth 

A higher ratio always helps to accumulate more lactic bacteria in the starter and develop a good balance between yeast and bacteria in the case of a too yeasty starter. So in 2 days the situation changed, the starter works and smells as usual. But I will continue using such a high ratio until the weather changes👌

As you see, sourdough sometimes is a big surprise, actually it's every time a surprise when we open the lid of our cast iron😂 But that's why I love working with sourdough, it's always such a fun))

Nevertheless this bread appeared to be soo tasty! I will keep on working on this recipe and hope to post it soon😉

Have you ever had such an experience? Will be glad to know about it🙌😉